Misty Green Island
或許是業主爽朗活躍感染了我們,在接洽的過程中 " 大地元素 " 一直浮現在腦間。 一開始規劃時就在思考,如何在有限的空間中帶入自然, 大面積分割的連續面以白色實木皮染色為基底,穿插溫暖的橡木延伸到木地板,再加上自然大地色彩作為牆面的跳色, 這樣的搭配不僅讓空間放大,一踏入這個空間更能感受到深層放鬆。
From the beginning of the planning process, we were inspired to bring the beauty of nature into the limited space. We used large segmented continuous surfaces with a base of white-stained wood veneer, interspersed with warm oak extending to the wooden floor. Additionally, we brought in natural earth tones as accent colors on the walls. This harmonious combination not only enlarges the space but also provides a deep sense of relaxation as soon as you enter the room, connecting you to the natural world.
霧綠小島 新店L宅